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Enterprise Consulting

Enterprises are operating in a new “information economy” which is having a radical impact on how they respond to competitive pressures and market demands.  This new economy is largely the result of advancements in voice, video and data as technologies, and relying on them to improve bottom-line results.

EI is committed to providing customers with the most advanced services and technologies appropriate to meeting that challenge.  Working with best-of-class companies in the development and delivery of convergent information and communication systems solutions helps us stay on the cutting edge.  And, by continuing to monitor, improve our consulting and implementation services; we are able to deliver “best practices” services.

EI's framework for common network architecture provides scalability and flexibility, while controlling cost and complexity. We can be your single strategic vendor to design, develop and deliver an integrated business information and communications network.  Our services meet your challenges by combining the breadth of capabilities and depth of experience required to integrate communication systems for your competitive advantage, while allowing you to stay focused on your company’s business.


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Copyright © 2004 Enterprise Initiatives, LLC
Last modified: 11/23/04