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Turnkey Software Implementation 

Front Office Consulting Services:


        Project Definition/Scope/Requirements

        AS-IS Analysis

        Software Selection

        Application Development, Integration, Implementation


Technology Planning


        Strategic Technology Plan Development

        Information Systems Planning (Long and Short-term)

        Integration of Technology with Business Plan/Vision


Business Applications


        Customer Resource Management

        Sales Force Automation

        Enterprise Resource Planning and Management

        Voice Processing and Messaging

        Unified Messaging

        E-Business and E-Commerce

        Internet Computer-based Training

        Internet, intranet and extranet web applications

        Multimedia Presentations

        Software development

        Co-location Services


Microsoft Operating System, Database and Application Expertise


        BackOffice Suite Support and Migration Services

        Windows 2k Server, Advanced, Exchange, SQL Implementation, Support, Upgrade

        “. Net" Enterprise Servers implementation and support

        Database implementation and tuning

        Database management (remote and on-site)

        Full application development using Microsoft tools

        Integration with other databases, software applications

        Data warehousing and reporting tools


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Copyright © 2004 Enterprise Initiatives, LLC
Last modified: 11/23/04